Devlog February-March 2017

Hello everyone, here is the news from the front.


For those who do not know yet, the game has been Greenlit! That means that when my game is ready I will be able to sell it on Steam, the biggest PC platform. This is very good news because it was an indispensable step.

Overall the feedback was positive, and I was lucky to have three articles written about my game:

The game was Greenlit in 19 days with over 870 votes yes on 1400 votes (60% yes).
It’s good but not crazy. Indeed, my game was Greenlit in January at the same time as a hundred other games, of more or less good qualities, and my stats are far from those displayed in the current top 100. Plus, I have gained almost no subscribers on the site and social networks. In these conditions, it is difficult to judge the real interest in my game.

I’ll make a more detailed post on all that later.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who shared the info and who helped me to be Greenlit :)

Unity Assets

That’s it! After several weeks of work and more than 20 days waiting for validation,
my first two assets are available on the Unity Asset Store:

  • Ultimate Screenshot Creator is the most complete and customizable screenshot creator available on the Asset Store. It’s the perfect tool to create promotional content, wallpapers, screenshots for mobile gaming stores, and more.!/content/82008
  • With MultiResolution Preview Gallery, you can easily preview your game in several resolutions, aspects and physical sizes (ppi) at a glance. No more bad surprises, no more tedious checks. This asset will save you a lot of time, that you can use on your game!!/content/82015

More information can be found at


In the next few weeks, I intend to continue to create assets to have enough income to finance the further development of the game.

See you soon,


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